This statement discloses the privacy practices for Hawaiianparadisecandies website.
Hawaiian Paradise Candy and your privacy
At Hawaiian Paradise Candy, we respect your right to privacy and we understand that visitors to need to be in control of their personal information. We also want to present information on that is tailored to the needs of our visitors. For this reason, we may ask you to register or to provide personal information when you visit certain areas on our website, enter a contest, or subscribe to a newsletter.
We will use the personal information you share with us to ensure the content, services, and advertising that we provide on our website are tailored to your current and future needs. If you provide Hawaiian Paradise Candies (formerly Kona Paradise Candies) with your mailing address or telephone number, Hawaiian Paradise Candies may use this information to alert you to special offers, updated information, and new services. If you provide your e-mail address, Hawaiian Paradise Candies may contact you via e-mail as well. If you do not want Hawaiian Paradise Candy to contact you, you may opt out when you provide personal information or contact Hawaiian Paradise Candies directly at the address below.
If you choose not to register or provide personal information, you can still visit most of Website. However, you will not have access to areas that require personal identification.
Our Site uses cookies to keep track of your shopping cart. We also, but this is optional on your part, use cookies to save your password so you don't have to reenter it each time you visit our site. Also we use cookies to identify users so we can welcome a returning user (like welcome, your name)
This site contains links to other sites. Hawaiian Paradise Candies is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites.
How Hawaiian Paradise Candies will protect your personal information
Hawaiian Paradise Candies Candy will protect the personal information that you share with us. If you make a purchase on-line, we will use your credit card number only to process your payment and address to ship. If we request demographic information, we will not share information about you as an individual with any other entity.
Hawaiian Paradise Candies may send you information, by postal mail, about their products or services. If you do not want to receive information, you may decline to receive it (or "opt out") when you provide personal information to, or you may contact us directly.
Hawaiian Paradise Candies may occasionally present a special contest or promotion that is sponsored by another company. To qualify for entry, we may ask you to provide personal information. If we plan to share that information with the sponsor(s), we will provide a statement to that effect.
Contact Us/How to update your personal information
You can help Hawaiian Paradise Candies maintain the accuracy of your personal information notifying us when you change your address, title, phone number, or e-mail address. If at any time you wish to update your information or stop receiving communications from Hawaiian Paradise Candies, login to your account or contact Hawaiian Paradise Candies directly by e-mail at or by postal mail at:
Hawaiian Paradise Candies
128 S School Street
Honolulu, HI 96813
Please include your old and new contact information so that we can make the appropriate corrections.
Hawaiian Paradise Candies would like to receive your comments and questions about this policy. Please address comments or questions regarding Hawaiian Paradise Candies privacy practices to us at the addresses listed above. Hawaiian Paradise Candies may occasionally update this policy. Notice of revisions will be posted here.
Last Updated: September 2, 2011